dimanche 17 septembre 2017

How to genarate free social website accounts, in just few clics.

HackGive – Generate Free Netflix, Spotify, Pornhub accounts

HackGive is the best accounts generator for Netflix , Spotify, Pornhub, Hulu and much more.

HackGive claims to be able to generate the following accounts

Netflix, Spotify, Brazzers, Pandora, Amazon, Zalando, Crunchyroll, Hulu, AdFocus, League of Legends, XBOX Live, Credit Cards, WWE Network, Bitdefender, DirectTV, Udemy, Chegg, Instagram, Reddit, , Uploaded.net, Mycanal, Tidal, PSN, NBA, Origin, HBO Now, Minecraft, Dominos USA, Xfinity, Itunes, GOG, Tumblr, Github, NHL, PornHub, Vimeo, Twitter, uPlay, AppNana, Rapidgator, Pokemon Go

HackGive is made as a payed service but gives you the options to get the lifetime accounts by referrals or getting free accounts by visiting theirtelegram account.

The Referral system made by us, will allow you to get a free plan by sharing your referral link with your friends!

How it Works:
  • When a user / friend, during the registration uses your ref link/id, you will receive +1 Ref Point, when this user purchases a plan, you will receive +1 Ref “Paid” Point.
  • In the purchase page you can see how many points you need to take a Plan for free.
  • When you have enough ref Paid points to take a free plan, use the “Redeem” button to activate the free plan to your account.
Below you can see the pricing and referrals needed for all packages. For free accounts join our telegram channel where we will post accounts daily. JOIN HERE

Join below and lets see how many we can refer to gain the lifetime access. Comment below your email address + referral link and we’ll help you.

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